Using Aloe Vera for Natural Skin Lightening

Lightening The Skin To Reduce Sun Damage

Sun Damage PicDoes skin lightening actually reduce or enhance sun damage? This question usually races through the minds of many people, so if you are considering using products to lighten the skin, this article can guide you.

Naturally, skin lightening improves the individual's complexion. Usually, this cosmetic procedure gives the individual a paler skin tone which is achieved through the use of some chemicals, herbs, creams or laser treatment. This procedure minimizes the level of melanin (darkening pigment) produced in the skin.

How effective is skin lightening in reducing sun damage?

The summer period though a very relaxing one, entirely leaves some pretty bad scars. Damage caused by Ultraviolet radiation from the sun leaves us with dark patches in some areas of our body. This damage can also alter the DNA structure of the melanocytes leading to some adverse conditions like bruising, thinning the layers of the skin, precancerous changes and even skin cancer.

According to various dermatological researches, one of the remedies to beat sun damage is the use of skin lightening agents popularly called "skin bleach.” While they are called skin bleach, they do not actually bleach the skin at first but can and will eventually if used consistently.   At first skin bleach only helps to reduce the dark coloration on the skin by regulating the amount of melanin produced as it tries to heal from UV radiation. While the use skin bleach is encouraged it should be done appropriately. It is best to choose agents with natural skin whitening ingredients.  Hydroquinone is unsafe to use and even banned in some countries in Europe and the Middle East.

Further research also recommend the use of laser treatment after trying a topical treatment such as a natural skin whitening product. Alexandrite laser treatment can also be used as it utilizes thermal heat to destroy the dark patches. Fractioned CO2 laser can also be used to treat these spots; this method is also highly non- invasive. Furthermore, intense pulse lights (IPL) helps to treat surface discoloration and give a more even skin tone.

Is hydroquinone not a good idea for you? Here's another method for you.

Hydroquinone which is the most active ingredient of most skin lightening creams is dreaded by many because some researches have proven it to be associated with skin cancer and darkening of skin (ochronosis). However, amidst the confusion of the choice of product to use for your skin care, there are various options that are very suitable and effective for you to try out. If you do not want to try a prepared natural skin whitening product which can lighten the skin intensely, one of them is the use of lemon.

Lemon which is known to be a natural bleaching agent could be used. The vitamin C present in lemon juice helps to actively exfoliate the skin, and it's antioxidant properties help to reduce damage to the skin cells (melanocytes) and also reduce melanin production. Only fresh lemon should be used for this skin lightening procedure, as bottled lemon is diluted with water and contains a number of other preservatives.

It is advisable to consult a dermatologist or one of our knowledgeable skin care specialists about the appropriate treatment for your skin type before prescribing one for yourself.  You can contact us by pressing the live chat button on the left of the homepage or by emailing us at

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