Skin whitening is a controversial practice due to perceptions of why people lighten the skin. Not everyone is lightening to have a lighter shade overall but to lighten hyperpigmentation and melasma on the skin. For some the darkening is due to tanning of the skin via sun exposure while for others it may be hormones that cause the skin to darken. In order to lighten these areas, one must use a good skin whitening cream as well as practice sun avoidance and protection so that the area does not darken again.
Hyperpigmentation is caused by hormones, prolonged sun exposure, trauma to the area, acne marks and scars, etc. It can be a daunting task to lighten areas of the skin that have been darkened due to these factors however, products like the 10x cream and 10x gel can help to make it much easier. By applying skin whitening products twice daily the darkened areas can become light much faster than other methods.
There are many home remedies that have been used for lightening the skin for years such as applying milk, yogurt, or lemon juice to the skin. While Tonique products contain a lot of the same natural ingredients they are in a much more concentrated form and therefore work a lot faster. The recommended application of these products are twice daily until the desired results are achieved. After this if lightening more than your natural tone you will have to continue to use the products at least once every other day.
Skin whitening and lightening products can fade hyperpigmentation and provide a more even toned complexion with use as directed. It is also important to have a point of contact in case you have any questions regarding a skin lightening regimen. Contact one of our live operators today by pressing the live chat button to the left of the webpage to speak one of our knowledgeable skin care experts or email us at for more information on our products and which one is right for you.